PSYCH-K® is a simple and straightforward method for identifying and changing self-limiting subconscious beliefs, which perpetuate the old habits of thinking and behavior that you would like to change.
It is a simple process that helps you to communicate with your subconscious, where almost all human behaviors - constructive and destructive - originate, so that you can change the beliefs that limit your self-esteem, your relationships, performance at work and even your physical health!

The instructor
Graduated in Education from Iowa State University and Master in Clinical Psychology from Western Illinois University. She has been working in clinical psychology for 37 years and has been a PSYCH-K® instructor for 20 years, certified by the PSYCH-K® Center International.

The instructor
Graduated in Education from Iowa State University and Master in Clinical Psychology from Western Illinois University. She has been working in clinical psychology for 37 years and has been a PSYCH-K® instructor for 20 years, certified by the PSYCH-K® Center International.
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What are beliefs?
Subconscious beliefs set the boundaries of what you can be, have, or do. Keep your beliefs positive because... Your beliefs become your thoughts, your thoughts become yours
The Subconscious Mind
The subconscious is automatically programmed to make everything that we focus our attention on come true. The conscious mind gives the order and the subconscious does it. Every creative act has